Last evening, but a few hours ago, I was enjoying a small libation at The Lord Hood, a traditional pub in Greenwich and at the same time listening and chatting to the musicians of the Greenwich Folk Club collective, and very good they were too. Amongst their conversation they were talking about it being Australia day and they were scratching their collective heads trying to think of something to play. But no one talked about today 27th January being
Holocaust Memorial Day. Is it because not many people in London know of this date, chosen as it was, as it was on the 27th January 1945 that the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau took place. I would urge all free thinking peoples to just take a moment to reflect on the Holocaust and to remember those millions of souls who died, persecuted by a deceitful and perverse government. Visit the web site and light a candle. I was the 19131st person to do so. Perhaps you will open a link to events in your area and make an effort to attend one, Whatever you do, I bid you, shalom.
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