Monday, 22 March 2010

The Art of Cheese

Now I like cheese, but surely this is taking the biscuit? News has reached this agent's ears and assailed my olfactory bulb, that a restaurant dedicated to cheese opened sometime this year in Chelsea. Apparently the restaurant has a menu of a hundred different types of cheese.

One review I read stated that they had enjoyed the lemon tarte du jour served with a tongue-tingling homemade blueberry sorbet. Now that sounds like my type of pudding! The restaurant even has cheese ice-cream on the menu. Can you imagine?

I enjoy a nice piece of stilton with plum pudding as much as the next agent, but cheese ice-cream? Almost on par with cheese in a can. I shudder at the thought. I think I was put off cheese when I spent a lovely week in Switzerland. My hosts were proud of their region and epicurean delights, that mostly involved cheese. Raclette and fondue being amongst their favourites. But I failed to see the delights of eating fondue with or without kirsch, and after a week I looked forward to returning home to a cheese free month.

I realise that there may well be some of you that enjoy such folly in abandonment and for those of you who would care to? The name of this restaurant is L'Art du Fromage at 1a Langton Street, SW3

Ben Gunn, eat your heart out!